Welcome Freaks!!

My Blog.My Life.Fuck Off Little Ass

Friday, February 25, 2011

How The Times Passed Away..

so fast the times passed away...

it's my last day at school with my friends..
i'm going to the boarding school for 2 weeks,
then there's a week holiday...

the bad news is,
when i'm at the boardng school,
i have to do a  Maths Test..
pity asses...

how i hate tests..
pity asses again...
All the things I still remember
Summers never looked the same...

Freak out,Megazoids...

Infinity Powers.

Belum sedar lagikah anda?
Belumkah anda bertaubat?
Adakah anda mengsengajakan ini semua?
This isn't what I'm expecting.
I don't want to get it all over again.
Some of you Holes know who I'm talking about.
It's the girl next door.
Not next door technically,
it's just the nickname I nicknamed her.

I'm trying to defend my dignity,
while she was pissing me off.
Alhamdulillah aku tak berapa kurang ajar.
Kalau tak,haish...
Nak cakap pon malu...
Tak perlulah,kang kontroversi over and over.
Dah lah aku nak belaah tak lama lagi..
Buat lagi macam ni kat aku...

Yelayela,apeape jelah...
That's All Hole.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Goodbye Holes.

Goodbye DSLR,PS2,my cats,Go Kart,My Freinds,My family...


I will not blog for awhile cuz I'm going to a boarding school...

I will be happy there,and sad..

40% says that I will not blog....

another 60% says I will blog,

cuz I'm gonna buy a iPod Touch,which can access internet...


That's All Hole...
goodbye holes...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Emotional night....for me..

Emotional night yesterday...
I don't know why,
suddenly,I'm emotional...
For the first time for a girl..

I never know why...
The girl i'm telling you guys are..
The girl I'm in fight with for the past few days.

Yes,I apologised that girl..

But she just responded "OK" and "k"..

Just like that,
my friends said that she doesn't has feelings...

I don't know,
I apologised cuz I don't wanna this to berlarutan,
I end it once and for all...

That's All Hole.

Skillo Millo

Let's go go go go go kart ..

Ayaat je bhaai...
Pergi tambun pon tak, haiissshh ape nak jadi zaman skarang...
Pegi jj ajeh..
Dapatlah aku drive simulator/game kat jj tu...

Aku nak cite pasal skill driving aku....
Tadii aku pegi drive kereta simulator\game..
Battle Gear 4
aku drive macam Babi kurap makan diri sendiri bhaai!
Macam tak tahu nak drive...
Aku gunelah mode gear Manual...
Slalu orang datang puji bhaaaiii...
Tapi tadi...HANCUR!!!!
Langgar situ,langgar sana,gear tak tahu bile mau shift..
Aiseyh...fuck and sucks bhaai..
Malu kot...orang ramai tengok kot..

Minggu depan kene pegi gokart bhaai..
Re-learn basic....

that's all lah
That's All Hole.

Fikir sebelum bertindak.

Fikirlah dulu ye Cik adik?
Ade ke aku kate fuck you?!kat kau?

Kau yang cakap kat diri sendiri..
Berapa kali aku nak cakap kat kau,
aku dah INSAF,tak caye kan? Tanyelah

Aku taknak perkara remeh ni berlarutan,
I want to end this once and for all..
Aku cuba tego kau,kau buat bodoh,

kau tanak berkawan dgn aku kan?
Kalau ye pon,maafkanlah aku..

Kan kononnya aku tersalah faham..
Blog kau blog kaulah..
Kau cakap jela pasal hal hang,
bukan pasal aku..haish,


takde mood aku nak tulis hal haramJ kau kat sini..
Aku tak gune care kasar lagi,
beware girl,beware.....

That's all asshole.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Dengan bimbingan kawan aku,aku insaf,
kesian jugak dekat KAU...
So..aku delete post aku yang melebih tu..
>>nasiblah siapa yang dapat baca>>
ok,aku insaf betulbetul gile Babi ni...
Kau taknak cakap dengan aku sampai ke akhir hayat...
Tak mengapa,yang penting aku dah insaf,aku fikir akan
masa depan ku,i've changed...
You don't wanna change..it's your prob..
Aku jumpa kau pon sebab kawan aku dia chat dengan kau..
For now on,kau nak cakap apa apa pasal aku,
aku tak kisah,cakaplah sampai nanah mulut kau tu...
Walau apa pun,

kita tetap saudara,saudara islam,kita satu kaum..
Kalau kau keling pon aku maafkan...

Yes,aku maafkan kau,...
Berapa Kali aku nak ulang,cakaplah apapa pasal aku,aku ambil kisah,
aku tak ambil tindakan macam yg dah lepas ni..

Stress aku dah hilang semasa aku pukul katil,
esok aku pergi gokart,something that'll cheer me up..
Stress aku fikir hal remeh ni...aku Harap kau bace ni...

That's All Hole

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ha? Hebat kau! Macam Tron! -.-

Tadi,bukan just now.
Like always,
today is thursday,so..
I've gotta go to school
a little early cuz there's the band practise thingy..
Haha,today is the most tiring of all -.- two boys mau cepat mati cakap kat senior in charge "abang rase nak jatoh..."
that senior things it's real so he left the budak pengsan bawah pokok,
BTW,that boy memang suka pengsan,fuck him hard.
After band kita semua tukar baju kat Padang bhaai,hebat kot..
After wearin the uniform, we all wear tie.it is compulsory to wear it everyday,
if someone doesn't wear,they will kena pancong kepala,aku dah kena skali,tapi aku hidop lagi..
Yeah,my friend "forgotten" to wear a tie..when it's recess,the prefects will catch the guy with no tie,so I and mohd planned a plan,
the plan sounds like this..
Firstly me and one of my friends lined up early,very early,awaaal sangat,
mohd is at the back,paling balakang kott...then the prefects asks us to walk go upstairs..
Yes,my friend give me his tie to me and lari hula laju cepatcepat masok kelas...aku pon turun bawah tengok mohd dah kene tahan pastu aku jerit "woi Babi! Hang tinggal tie hang dalam bag skolah hang bhaaiii!!" pastu Aku campak TEPAT kat dia..
Dia pakai cepatcepat pastu tunjuk prefect"woi! Tengok ni!" prefect dengan muka terblur cakap"pegipegilaa,haisshh" pastu mohd
masok kelas dia bukak tie,bagi kat aku..aminnnn..

That's All Hole.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kidnap The Kid

The title is 50% true about what happened to me and my friends yesterday at Ipoh Parade.

Soo,yeah yesterday after playing bowling,me and my friends
decided not to go home yet,cuz it's
lame,we decided to jalan2...
of my friend's sister just called and asked if he wanna go with her sisster home,
he's not,...
Yeah,after the call we saw a store selling Supra shoes,we wanna to take a good look at the

So we decided to get in that funky store,ps.the
supra shoe size
I saw is 12US so fuck with it,we get put from the

Two 20-24 years of age guy standing doing nothing by a door,not a ordinary door,it's like SUNYI,gelap jerh,we all tak sedar bout the
door,then one of the guy asked one
of my friend "dik sini jap,sinilah jap,jap je,takde apeape.."my friends and me already suspected something fishy, the guy said that to Daniel,one of my friend,somehow,I and mohd already at the
back of the two guys,I never know why...
Then,Daniel with his pucat face ran away for his life,he already left two of us,he go down to a crowded area,I and mohd soooo stupid ran away to the lasttttt shop at the floor,we're so stupid that we didn't get down,and mohd ajak aku pegi tingkat atas iaitu carpark lv4,..bodoh betol haisyy.... carpark lv4 org tak park kat sane langsung,sunyi je,,aku cakap kat mohd,"hang Babi ka?! Tingkat 4 sunyi,kang meke bunuh kite camne?!"and we keep on running like a kijang,and btw,mohd is the school number 1 runner,but I'm not quite a runner,but I ran faster than him :) he still can't believe it,yeahh then...
The two guys trap us,one guy on the left,one on the right..
Mohd tak sedar orang yg belAh kanan tu ,aku nampak pastu aku panggil dia "woii!! Mereka block kite Babi!!woiii!lalu blah kiri dekat dgn tangga!!! Tangga ramai org!" dia buat pekak,dia ikot blah tu then the guy in the left call me "woi sini kau! Kau gi mane ah?!"aku nak je jerit "TOLONG" tapi there's noone there...aku biar mohd situ,dia lari dah cukop laju dah,aku dah tak nampak dia dahh sebab aku turun tangga lompat 6 step skali bhaai..then Daniel called,"woi datang kat aku,kat ______" aku dgn segera lari lah turun Ground Floor,
pastu tgk ,Daniel ade dgn kakak dia dahh, ifeel save,but mohd is missing,daniel called him,then a Chinese man answered,,then a
little inspection,daniels mohd contact number is wrong,so I gave mine,he still doesn't answer,Daniel and I thought mohd is being caught,but then,he called us that he's with his mom,

last word is,fuck the guys wanna kidnap me!

That's All Hole.

Zaman Techno

The title is related to my story,
Zaman Techno in English means Technology Era
something like that,,

yeah,it's my first time writting a blog using iPhone,
crazy gak this stuff,yg tak bestnye,aku takleh letak gamba sebab iPhone taklah
semoden mane,,,people crazy bout this hotsentap is cuz it
don't have to use KEYPAD,and there's many apps,too many can be downloaded,and lastly,I can write a blog using this freaking iPhone
is this story long
and boring enough?
If it's it..


Friday, February 11, 2011


Esok kononnya pegi hangout kat parade...

Esok lepas band,mau pegi hangout laa kononn....................

tapi ade org lain pon plan diaa sama aku..pelik sungguh

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm Coming Home,Tell The World I'm Coming Home.

Since it's the last day here in Vietnam,I'll write about something about what i wanna do before heading back to Malaysia...

I want to buy a Supra shoe..
but unfortunately the stores are closed :(
So, I have to buy Supra shoe in Malaysia...

I wanna ride a gokart here :D
I'll gonna google it after this blog thingy...
If there's no gokart,the world is insane...

I wanna do something that will blow our minds.. haha.lol -.-

That's All Hole.
Supra TK Society.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Senang saje kau, FTW

Tadi kat sini kat lobby hotel,

Tibatiba datang sekor minah vietnam nih tanye "can i use the computer for 10 minutes?"  kemain dia tanya akuuh

aku dahlah tengah tulis bnlog nih,panjang lebaar dah...tetba dataang sohaiii ni =.=

haiyaaaa terpaksa  logout blog,facebook,twitter,skype aku -.-

satu lagi isu..

siot,!Facebook diharamkan kat Vietnam kot.. -.-  

ada satu web address ni pelik namenye...kemain panjang...

aku baruuu je abis jumpa web address Facebook kat google...sempatlah gak aku layan setengah notification aku....

pastu adk aku pon nak bukak fb...aku pon tolong cara malasmalas....

THEN THE MINAH WANTS THE COMPUTER...nasib baik aku hampir steam :O

That's All Hole

Graffiti Cool

Graffiti Cool.

Bad Time Of Vacation.

Hello All!

I'm now in Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam   :O 


All of the place is closed due to Chinese New Year  =.=

so,yeahh fuck...

And my visitors' status is going dooooooooooooooooooooooooown..

Just leave my blog for 48 hours,then the visiotrs' views is going doooown,dooown I say...

So,yeah goodbye,I'm gotta go ...

That's All Hole.